Street Choirs Festival 2025, Bradford

Save the dates: Friday 13th June to Sunday 15th June, 2025
Here are the choirs which have registered so far…..

Ben Rhydding Community Choir is a Natural Voice Choir, where we celebrate the voice we are born with, and no audition or ability to read music is necessary.  We meet once a month on a Saturday morning for the pure enjoyment of singing and friendship. The choir was started in September 2011 by musical director Keely Hodgson, a composer, arranger, and Natural Voice Leader, to bring folk together to join their voices in support of a local charity, Give A Child A Hope, with strong links to a school community in Uganda. We enjoy singing at community events, in unaccompanied harmony, songs from different musical traditions to uplift, inspire and challenge. 

Body of Sound, from Sheffield, started in 1997 and some of us have been attending since then.  We meet to share the joy of singing together, to gain confidence in using our voices  and to sing songs that connect us to each other, to the cycle of the year and to issues that are important to us. We came across this line in a Carrie Newcomer song and thought it encapsulated how we feel about BOS: “Aren’t we standing in the centre of something rare and fine?!”

Bradford Voices are a mixed community choir with up to 40 members.  We sing weekly in Saltaire, Shipley at the local church and we have been harmony singing since 1996, having a lot of fun. We sing because we love singing together to express our joy, sadness, celebrations and solidarity and we rise to the challenge of learning new material. We are led by our musical director, Ana Hayrabedian, who offers a very positive approach to singing together with energy and musical passion and who uses the Natural Voice methods. We believe that we can all sing with practice and confidence regardless of musical experience and ability and that we all have the right to sing and be heard.

Singing is our gift, and we welcome each unique voice to our choir. We welcome new members throughout the year and support all newcomers with an open door and arms. We enjoy performance singing and love to attend our local community events throughout the year with a very jolly end of year event inviting our own members to entertain the choir.

Bridging Borders choir is made up of Settle Voices, in North Yorkshire, and Silsden Singers, in West Yorkshire.  We love to sing together at street choirs festival and other performance events, pooling our resources to sing for peace events, sometimes as a flashmob to support our NHS, or just for great local charities like the air ambulance or food banks and libraries

Bury Acapeelers Community Choir is 15 years old this year! Our membership is dynamic (in more ways than one); we love to welcome new members experiencing acapella by ear for the first time, and we hope that singers who move on will take the magic of singing with them. We love Street Choirs; Sheffield 2010 was our first experience and we are so pleased to be returning.

Caedmon Choir based in Gateshead, the choir takes its name from the medieval Northumbrian poet of the same name. The choir was formed 37 years ago and are around 80 strong with a wide range of ages, backgrounds and interests (some members have been with us from the start).  For the last 13 years our Music Director has been Eleanor Mooney.  We welcome all voices and songs are unaccompanied and learnt by ear.  Our repertoire is eclectic, covering traditional folk songs to contemporary pop songs, with everything in between.  Our songs often express a concern for people and the planet. We love to perform and when not singing together, the choir has a very active social life!

Calder Valley Voices are a friendly, not-for-profit community choir. Everyone is welcome. Calder Valley Voices aims to be open and accessible to all living in the area around the Calder Valley and further afield. It is committed to combatting oppression or discrimination whether on the grounds of race, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability. We meet once a week for the love of singing great songs together. We learn, practise and perform songs from the world-wide community singing tradition, including songs of peace, freedom, struggle and liberation. 

Carfield Community Choir is a friendly local choir based in south west Sheffield which welcomes all who want to enjoy singing in harmony, for themselves and for their community.  They sing thoughtful songs and lively songs, from across the world and the ages, to both celebrate and lament together.  Through their shared creation of something beautiful and uplifting, members say the choir gives them a lovely sense of achievement, belonging and wellbeing. 

Cor Gobaith is based in Aberystwyth. The choir sings for peace, justice and environmental sustainability. We sing at events and in the town regularly, raising awareness of and fundraising for local and international causes that we feel strongly about. Although in troubled times, our contribution may often feel insignificant, we will not be silent! The choir is a member of the Campaign Choirs Network. Safwn a chanwn ymlaen gyda’n gilydd! Let’s stand and sing on together! Anyone who shares our core values is welcome to join.

Corista are a group of singers from the upper Calder valley, based in Hebden Bridge, who meet together and rehearse every week.  We love to sing and perform music from around the world, including shape note pieces, contemporary songs with a political edge, and folk songs in various languages.  We have performed at open mic nights, folk festivals, and charity benefit concerts. We were once noted for our repertoire of songs inspired by the Chartist movement, performing them on national radio, and at the opening event of a Chartist conference

Didcot Red Kites sing songs of hope. We meet each week for harmonising, voices lifted spirits rising. Would you care to come and join us in our friendly group? We’ll put a smile upon your face – let dreams and actions interlace, to make the world a better place.  Didcot Red Kites ARE US!”

Dorset Red Choir, Established 5 years ago, we are a broad collection of socialist and progressive-inspired people who are developing a repertoire of songs expressive of social and political protest to sing at trade union, anti-racist, environmental and other progressive events. We have performed at a number of events in Dorset. Including the Tolpuddle Festival and several picket lines and rallies. We welcome all like-minded people to join us without audition.

East Lancs Clarion Choir flies the flag for Socialist singing in Burnley and the surrounding areas. We enjoy singing current and historical political songs as well as folk songs, protest songs and songs for peace freedom and justice. We sing annually at Burnley May Parade, Nelson Clarion House and outside the US eavesdropping base at Menwith Hill on July 4th. We support local community events and local campaign groups such as the Pendle – Palestine Twinning Group. “What we sing is what we are!”

Fellacapella are a small vocal group of male friends who have been harmonising together for around 10 years. We do not live close to one another, so we travel to meet centrally in Grantham regularly to rehearse. We sing songs of many different styles and love to perform whenever we can and bring joy to other music lovers.

Giving Voices is a friendly, inclusive choir that loves to sing. Initially set up as a workplace choir of speech and language therapists in 2013 in Sheffield, we have performed in many NHS settings to spread the joy and raise awareness of health issues and social inclusion. We have gradually broadened our reach to welcome all who love to sing. Under the guidance of Sheffield singers and musicians Josie Robson and Gerry Fletcher, sixty voices of all ages and ranges come together in glorious harmony every Wednesday evening. We enjoy singing songs from around the world and are currently drawn to songs of peace. 

Heart and Soul Community Singers are a non-performance choir but we often sing in public spaces. We sing around themes of community, peace, justice, nature and climate issues, amongst others. 

Honest Singers are an open and welcoming community of singers based in Musselburgh, and we love learning, singing and performing songs together. Our numbers fluctuate but we have a core of around a dozen people. Our songs are both traditional and new, some written and arranged by our own members. Our name comes from the fact that Musselburgh is known as ‘The Honest Toun’, and we sing regularly both for our own pleasure and wellbeing, and also to participate in fundraising events.

Kadenza Women’s Choir from Horwich is in its 20th year and while we have new members, some of us have been in the choir since then. We try to reach out to women of all ages and backgrounds and we are active in our local community. We believe singing is our right, is fun and good for us and can be a positive force for change.

Lakeland Voices are an acapella choir based in Kendal singing mostly arrangements of folk songs and community choir songs. We sing on walks through the Lake District, Scotland and Slovenia, and also on trains including the Settle Carlisle, Heart of Wales and the Slovenian Soca valley railways. We visit Slovenia each year using Interrail passes and Eurostar, singing on trains across Continental Europe. We support charity fundraising events when possible.

Leeds People’s Choir is a social justice choir – we sing to support causes and campaigns we believe in and to promote equality, justice and community. Led by our inspirational MD Jenny Goodman, we are a friendly and supportive bunch who sing songs of joy, liberation, celebration and peace from around the world. In the last year, we have supported, among others, Friends of the Earth (resulting in us being followed on social media by West Yorkshire mayor Tracy Brabin) and sung in the pouring rain to support walkers doing a 10 km circuit of Leeds to support Cancer Research. We continue to promote our self-penned songs “Women of Leeds” and “Middleton Railway” and have been asked to sing the former, on International Women’s Day 2024, for local radio station Chapel FM. We have also focused on attracting new members and as a result are steadily growing in numbers, as well as branching out doing a number of “self led” gigs when our busy MD has been unavailable. 

Liverpool Socialist Singers are part of the tradition of using music to both tell stories and unite people in the struggle against oppression in all its forms. We are a non party political group who share socialist ideals. We stand with those who call for peace and social justice, promote racial equality, fight to protect the environment and support the rights of workers. We sing at campaign events, picket lines, demonstrations and street festivals and have fun forming friendships.  

Manchester Community Choir has been bringing harmony and joy to audiences across Greater Manchester and further afield, including Street Choirs Festivals, for 25 years.  

Led by experienced singer and musical director, Rose Hodgson, the choir sings songs that are warming and moving, joyful and funky from different musical traditions, all in beautiful, unaccompanied four-part harmony and reflecting the choir’s values of respect for the world and its peoples, and a belief in freedom, fairness and peace.

Nether Edge Voices are a small, friendly choir in Nether Edge (Sheffield). We enjoy singing a wide range of music from folk, world music, pop, jazz and some classical pieces.

North London Collective is a mix of 2 London community choirs that raise money for their local causes. Islington Community Choir raise for the Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants. Park Life Singers raise funds for Laurence’s Larder.

Nottingham Clarion Choir  are a group of socialists and other radicals who have revived the tradition of singing songs of solidarity and protest – all in glorious four part harmony!  We are a welcoming and inclusive socialist choir, campaigning through  international song for justice, peace and freedom. We sing to support groups and organisations campaigning for democratic change, social justice, human rights and environmental protection. We perform at gatherings, demonstrations, festivals, concerts, rallies, vigils and celebrations across Britain. We join with other choirs and communities that share our philosophy of social justice and equality. We are a part of the Campaigning Choirs Network

Open Voice Choir is a 50 strong choir based in the community of Whalley Range in Manchester. We sing songs of peace and harmony and social justice.  We love to work with local groups and actively reach out to the community, St.Annes Hospice, local food banks, XR and Refuge from the Ravens – a project giving voice to homeless and marginalised folk. We also perform at benefit gigs for Amnesty International, Kimbilio – supporting street children in the Congo, and we are singing out for peace and justice in war zones. 

Out Aloud is Sheffield’s LGBT+ choir. We’ve been singing together since 2006, when 23 of us met for the first time and our choir family has since grown to over 70 voices. We have a strong bond with this festival and one of our first ever performances was at Street Choirs in Brighton in 2008 where we really felt the warmth and solidarity of this singing community. So after a break of a few years, we are delighted to be back at Street Choirs as co-hosts, welcoming you to our home town. 

Preston Peoples’ Choir was born in August 2011 and from its humble beginnings with just a few choristers in a local pub, it has become a lively and welcoming community based in the University of Central Lancashire.  Members represent all sorts of backgrounds, ages, nationalities and genders, and love to sing together just for the joy of it. As a Natural Voice Choir, we celebrate the voice we are born with and no audition or ability to read music is necessary. We sing songs from all over the world, often at community events, and try to spread a message of peace, justice, hope and inclusivity, as well as celebrating Preston’s rich history.

Protest in Harmony is a radical singing group based in Edinburgh. We sing about peace, justice, the environment, and human rights. We have rehearsals once a month and we sing at a wide range of demonstrations, vigils, and other events.

We believe that song can be a powerful, positive force in the world.

Purple Cats is a large community choir based in the centre of Sheffield led by Kate Thomas and Helen Lyle. The choir was formed to provide a platform for natural voice community singing in the City. Created by enthusiasts who all wanted this type of choir but couldn’t find one in Sheffield, we started with a series of 6 workshops beginning in January 2001 and have been singing together ever since. We are open at all times for new members and welcome every adult who wants to sing for pleasure. Everything is taught by ear, one part at a time. Our main purpose is just to get together on Tuesdays to sing for pleasure, but those of us who enjoy performing do so occasionally — maybe two or three times a year. 

Raised Voices has been a political choir since 1986. The choir meets near Kings Cross, in London, and are a welcoming group of 20-25 who share responsibility and decision-making.  We sing a wide variety of left, social justice, environment, climate, feminist, anti-racist, and anti-war songs, and perform mainly at demonstrations, where we distribute song sheets and encourage others to sing along with us, and at political and cultural events, sometimes raising money for an agreed cause.

Red Leicester is a socialist choir founded in 1996. We busk regularly, raising money for our local food bank, Women’s Aid, Palestinian children, the homeless, Leicester City of Sanctuary, Water Aid etc. We sing in solidarity with strikers and the Palestine Action siege of the Elbit drone factory and with other causes as they arise. We meet at the secular hall in Leicester, which feels like our spiritual home! About 30 strong we are led and inspired by our MD Jane Bursnall.

Sea Green Singers are first and foremost, a choir that sings songs about peace, justice, rights, environmental issues and freedom and most people who join the choir are involved in other organisations that campaign for change on many fronts.  We are Oxford based and our name is derived from the colour of the ribbons worn by the Levellers in the English Civil War.

Sheffield One World Choir with members from all over the world, including several African countries, Iran and Ukraine, our community choir of refugees, asylum seekers and other local people is a diverse family of singers. Bringing songs from our different cultures, including original compositions by choir members, we express our shared humanity through our vibrant and spirited performances. These have included contributing to the ‘Walk with Amal’ welcome to Sheffield, the Yorkshire Integration Festivals in Leeds (2022) and Sheffield (2023), and the opening concert of the Sheffield Migration Matters festival for the last 3 years. The choir has been directed by Emer McKay ever since it was established in 2018

Sheffield Socialist Choir has been singing since the spring of 1988  for freedom, justice and peace around the world. We are not affiliated to any political party but sing in support of campaigns in harmony with our vision for a society which cares about such issues as asylum-seekers, the future of the NHS, the welfare state, climate change, and freedom for Palestine. We sing at demonstrations, political events, concerts and on the streets!

Singing Proud is an LGBTQ+ Community Choir, from Nottingham. This is our third year of singing together, and we love singing and growing together as a choir. We sing, largely acapella, four part songs, many of which are representative of our LGBTQ+ community. As a choir, we strive to be accessible to everyone that identifies as a member of our community, and we have forged links with local LGBTQ+ Asylum seeker and Refugee charities, and LGBTQ+ charities and fund places for members that would otherwise struggle to join us.  

Songlines Community Choir were formed in 2000 and are led by Bruce Knight.  They meet in Warwick and Leamington Spa.  The Choir has raised approx £50k for WaterAid.

SongWave choir and Cairn Chorus are two choirs based in S.W Scotland. We sing a wide variety of music from around the world, with its core repertoire based in the UK and always sing songs in our native Scots and Gaelic languages. We have two long terms with concerts at the end of each. Each term has a different theme in both choirs and we aim to support new and up and coming composers by commissioning their work as well as researching older folk songs and repertoire. This year SongWave are singing songs drawn from the sea from fishing ballads to sea shanties  whilst Cairn Chorus has commissioned new works looking at the how their rural community is connected to the landscape and is impacted by climate change. We have professional musicians within each choir but our belief is that professional and amateur musicians stand shoulder to shoulder in choir and all voices are equal and valued.

Sosa xa are Sheffield based and sing and move to the sounds of southern Africa.  Singing in Ndebele, Zulu, Shona and other southern African languages.  This is our 21st year as a choir. We have been taught and led by many Zimbabwean Artists over the years and are currently led by Keitu Motlogwa.

We have supported the training and development of community arts projects in Zimbabwe some of whom we still have links with such as Sunduza (

Tadhamon Singers were formed in Sheffield in 2018. Our name, Tadhamon, is the Arabic word for ‘solidarity’. We are a group of women who sing in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. In 2022 we toured the West Bank and Nazareth, singing in refugee camps, cultural centres, streets and cafes, singing with Palestinians and making lasting connections. 

As we travelled, Palestinians kept asking us one thing: “Please share our story”. We now do this through performances, song workshops, small events, online talks and sharing our blog from the trip. We are committed to continue supporting the struggle for justice and equality for Palestine by engaging in activism in the UK against the injustices of the Israeli Apartheid regime.

Three Valleys Gospel Choir is based in Todmorden and provides inclusive, welcoming and accessible singing opportunities for people of all ability and beliefs in the local community. We promote good community spirit and wellbeing through the enjoyment of singing gospel, world music and other similar genre songs.We firmly believe that everyone can sing and that singing should be fun! Musical experience is not necessary and we don’t audition. Membership is open to anyone over the age of 16 and children from the age of 11 can join us if they are accompanied by an adult. We know from experience that coming together to sing songs we enjoy is good for our mental health and we hope to spread joy to those who hear us sing. We are proud to have members from all walks of life, of all ages (from 12 to 70 something!), LGBTQ+ members and members with physical and learning disabilities.We feel blessed that we inspire so many people to sing and we aim to be a blessing to others. We support and encourage each other to be as good as we can be as singers, while firmly holding on to our core beliefs that everyone can sing and that it should be fun! 

Waiting for Dawn from Todmorden sing to touch your heart and encourage you to stand strong to create a new dawn for our world.

Well Red Choir is a London-wide socialist choir launched in 2020 with singers who campaign for social justice, human rights, the environment and a peaceful world in which all life is valued.
Collectively, we’re developing a repertoire of old and new songs, sharing and developing musical skills and enjoying singing together. We particularly like singing in four-part harmony and take part in pub gigs, on rallies and protests. 
We meet every Wednesday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm near New Cross or from anywhere online.  See website

Whitby Community Choir was formed in 2004 by a small group of people who gathered together to sing simply for the love of it – no leader, no auditions and certainly with no intention of performing.  However the love of singing soon led to sharing their singing with others in the community, and at local, regional and eventually national events. We have hosted the National Street Choirs Festival in Whitby four times – and we are so excited to be returning to Sheffield once more. We love taking part in the Street Choirs Festival – it’s  a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the singing of choirs from around the nation.  We are a non-auditioned, inclusive acappella choir, with around 30 members, meeting every week all year round on Wednesday evenings in the Flowergate Hall Community Arts Centre and we perform far and wide under the dynamic leadership of Rebecca Denniff. 

Wrexham All Voices are a new choir based on old roots! Previously we were Wrexham Community Choir, a natural voice choir who sing songs from many nations, in many languages , including some traditional Welsh songs. We encourage everyone to come along to enjoy the uplifting and unifying force of singing together. Over the years we’ve sung at festivals, in street choirs and at international rugby league matches!